Deletion Policy

Scankarle App Deletion Policy

1. Introduction This Deletion Policy outlines the procedures and protocols the "Scankarle" app follows concerning the removal of user data and content. We are committed to ensuring that our users have full control over their data and understand our practices related to data deletion.

2. Policy Violations
3.1. Content that violates our Terms of Service or Community Guidelines may be deleted without prior notice. 3.2. Users who repeatedly violate our policies may have their accounts suspended or permanently deleted.

3. Data Backups
4.1. For security and operational reasons, the "Scankarle" app maintains backup copies of all data.

4. Changes to This Policy
5.1. We may update this Deletion Policy from time to time. Any changes will be communicated to users via email or through in-app notifications.

5. Contact Us
8.1. If you have questions or concerns about this Deletion Policy or our data practices, please contact us at